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Data Center- Design and Planning: Here’s What Needs to Be Done

Even when the world is fast approaching to all sorts of technological advancements, data still lies at its core. And, storing data is equally important. Data is stored in data centers that are highly digital infrastructures. Data centers play an integral role to thrive and develop a complete IT (Informational Technology) environment. 

A data center usually needs a lot of power supply to run, intelligent backup methods, communication channels, controlled temperatures and security measures. Here are some considerations for a hi-tech data center.

  • Modular data center build-outs are always a better option than the traditional ones.
  • High-performing software should be used for proper data management.
  • The operations in a data center must be integrated for smoother functioning.
  • Cloud computing is an exciting option holding a lot of potentials to provide the best sharing and security services.
  • Data continuity plan is a must for backup.

Best practices for an efficient data center

You need to consider certain factors while constructing an efficient data center. If these factors are kept in mind, not only would the data be safe but the overall functionality and purpose of a data center would also be served effectively.

  • Power and Performance- The power system is a major component for running a data center efficiently. While many data centers falter during management, here are the mandatory components to take note of.
  • Servers to manage the data
  • Emergency or backup power supply
  • Cooling systems for the high-performance storage units
  • Space Organization- Space organization is a major issue and one should only build the area required. This cuts a lot of costs, while here are some areas that you can manage more.
  • Floor space to accommodate the systems.
  • Cabinets and storage compartments to store excess requirements.
  • Security- Safety and security are major issues when it comes to data center management. Network security, data encryption methods and backup for data safety are all essential factors to running a data center smoothly.

Avoid these mistakes while designing a data center

When designing a data center, mistakes can prove to be very costly. Here are some common mistakes that you should avoid.

  • Not assessing the complete infrastructural potential.
  • Not calculating TCO or Total Cost of Ownership
  • Finalizing the infrastructural plan even before the design is complete
  • Choosing the wrong equipment

If you are looking to build an efficient data center, you can check out Stendel Reich data center architecture projects, which are surely the best in the market.

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