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Intrauterine insemination

Preparation for the procedure

Intrauterine insemination can be performed not only at the right time of the natural cycle. If necessary, ovulation is stimulated and programmed for a certain period with medications.

Before inseminating, the woman and her partner should undergo a medical check-up by a general practitioner, gynecologist, urologist, andrologist, mammologist and endocrinologist. They will also have to undergo tests, spermogram and ultrasound. If any disease is detected, it is necessary to visit other specialists.

A few months before the procedure a woman should take a course of vitamins prescribed by the doctor, adjust your diet, and give up bad habits. The husband or partner donating sperm also needs to prepare. It will be better if he stops taking alcohol and exposing his body to heat, for example, refuses to go to the sauna.

How insemination works

Artificial insemination is an outpatient procedure. The woman visits the clinic at a set time and leaves on the same day. This is done by introducing the seminal fluid into the vagina through a special syringe with a blunt end. Nowadays, two types of insemination are most common. With intracervical, the sperm is applied as close as possible to the entrance of the cervix. Intrauterine requires an additional thin catheter. It is used to introduce the semen into the uterine cavity. The insemination process is painless, but in some cases the woman may be sedated. After the procedure, the patient must stay in the gynecological chair for 30 to 90 minutes to prevent the sperm from leaking out.

Effectiveness of the procedure

Artificial insemination is a rather effective way to treat infertility. The probability of pregnancy averages 15-20%. Many factors influence success, including age. The procedure is possible even for women after 40, but the chances decrease due to the natural extinction of the functions of the reproductive system. After four unsuccessful insemination attempts, other methods should be considered.

After conception, the embryo develops naturally.

As we can see, this procedure cannot give a great chance of success, and it also has its own limitations, for example the age. Don’t despair, there is always a way out. Delivering Dreams Agency has been a success in the surrogacy field for many years. A team of specialists works hard and helps to make the whole process easier both for the surrogate parents and the surrogate mother.

If you are interested in cost of gestational surrogacy, we advise you best surrogacy agency – Delivering Dreams.

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