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Periodontal Disease And Pregnancy: Exploring The Link

Pregnancy is considered one of the most beautiful journeys in a woman’s life. But nothing comes without a price. Hormonal changes can wreak havoc on your oral health by making you susceptible to gum or periodontal disease. This is a silent infection that often goes undiagnosed until irreparable damage occurs to the teeth and oral structures. 

Dacula family dentistry helps pregnant women suffering from signs of periodontal disease through early detection and prompt treatment. 

Increased risk of periodontal disease in pregnant women

Periodontal disease is a progressive condition that begins due to poor oral hygiene, leading to increased bacterial colonization. These microorganisms release harmful toxins and acids that demineralize your teeth and erode your supporting structures like gums and jawbone. You can expect symptoms like swollen, bleeding gums with deep gingival pockets, gum recession, and tooth loss. 

Expectant mothers are more likely to develop periodontal disease due to hormonal changes that are the prime risk factors. Untreated periodontitis has been linked with poor pregnancy outcomes, including preterm birth and low birth weight. 

Pregnancy and periodontal disease are interlinked 

Signs of periodontal disease can be exacerbated in pregnancy due to the following reasons:


  • The levels of prostaglandin (a labor-inducing component found in periodontitis-causing bacterial strain) are generally elevated in pregnant women suffering from an advanced form of periodontal disease.
  • This can lead to preterm labor and deliver a baby with a low birth weight.

C-reactive protein (CRP)

  • CRP was initially linked to heart disease; however, it is now associated with severe pregnancy outcomes like preeclampsia and premature birth. 
  • CRP levels elevated due to periodontal disease can intensify your body’s natural inflammatory response. 

Managing periodontal disease during pregnancy

It is essential to halt the progression of periodontal disease in order to encourage a safe and healthy delivery. Thus, regular dental visits during pregnancy are important to keep a check on oral health.

  • Your dentist will evaluate the mouth and assess the extent and degree of soft tissue and bone damage to plan a further course of action.
  • Deep scaling and root planing are the two safest non-surgical dental procedures that can be performed during pregnancy. This helps to effectively eliminate plaque and tartar to cease the periodontal disease progression.


Dental education and awareness are crucial among pregnant women to reduce their risk of periodontal diseases since it negatively affects the child’s health. This can be achieved through proper home care, dietary changes, healthy lifestyle habits, and consumption of oral vitamin supplements.

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