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Why Partner With A Top Solar Company In San Diego?

When people in San Diego discuss renewable energy, especially solar power, the question of how much money they can save on their electric bill always comes up first as they contact a top solar company San Diego. So how much does solar energy save you?

There is a brief response and an extended response to this critical question.

Finally, San Diego homeowners or business owners will exchange their costly power bills for a significantly reduced solar monthly payment. They begin saving money the day the solar panel system is installed.

Here’s a scenario: consider two houses, House A and House B. The average monthly electricity bill for both homes is about three hundred dollars.

House A installs renewable energy and stops paying the utility company $300 per month in exchange for a monthly payment of $150 to finance the installation. So, in addition to saving $150 each month once their solar system is built, House A is one payment closer to paying off the entire cost of the new solar setup every month.

On the other hand, House B continues to pay the electric provider $300 in total and is susceptible to around 6% annual rate hikes. Furthermore, House B’s $300 monthly payment does not go toward purchasing a renewable energy system; it is merely moved from their bank account to that of their electricity provider.

House A is now saving money and working towards ultimately owning its solar panel system.

House B is at the mercy of whatever power rate their utility company charges.

Technically, solar energy is known as solar photovoltaics, or solar PV for short. When solar panels are exposed to sunlight, a portion of the clean energy is transformed into electricity. The degree to which some panels convert sunlight into energy is known as the panel’s efficiency.

Generally, if the solar panels efficiency is higher, so is the cost of the solar panels. However, solar projects do not always require the most efficient panels; sometimes, it makes more financial sense to start with a cheaper panel and add a couple of extras.

The panels on your roof function as power plants and pump energy into your electrical panel, which powers your home. So far, so good; you likely already knew much of this. However, it is essential to understand that solar panels do not power your home at night unless you have a hybrid system with batteries that can store power at night.

Consultation, design and engineering, installation, and operation are the only necessary procedures for a solar installation in San Diego with DILS Roofing. As the leading solar business in San Diego, you can be sure that your installation is in capable hands. Click here now and get your consultation in no time!

One of our solar energy advisors will meet with you to review your family’s present and future energy demands, the cost of solar panel installation, and our financing alternatives, in addition to answering any concerns about going solar.

Net Metering and Your New Relationship with Utility Companies

Here’s when solar information becomes more particular to San Diego County. As a consumer with a net metering agreement with the local utility company, you will continue to have a relationship with your utility provider after installing a renewable energy system.

This new relationship is called net metering.

Solar photovoltaic/PV systems are designed to provide more power than the homeowner can utilize throughout the day. The excess electricity is returned, and the utility company then issues bill credits to you.

When solar panels are not producing electricity at night, the homeowner utilizes the utility’s power but pays for it using the credits.

A net metering contract means you ‘square up’ with the utility company annually. The utility company tallies the quantity of power you consumed and deducts the number of credits you earned through their net metering program. There is no manual process involved; you must track usage from your end as the consumer.

If the solar panel installation were built correctly, you would owe nothing for your power costs. There are also modest, non-avoidable expenses that solar cannot offset, such as power line maintenance and aid for low-income homes, but these prices are insignificant financially.

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